185 Miles South
185 Miles South
246. December 2024
We're back and talking Hardcore. This week on the pod:
1. An annual check in on burning HC questions like Roir vs Rock For Light, Age Of Quarrel vs Victim In Pain, etc.
2. Newerish stuff: Force (Belgium), Mystique (Singapore), Lexan (Ohio)
3. Poison Idea - Feel The Darkness LP
4. Trivia: Dan Sant (Champ) vs Bedge (Challenger)
5. Interview: Jay Way (Bayway)
Check the website for playlists, our links, and SMASH that Patreon button:
We are on Substack (sometimes) writing about Punk and Hardcore:
Get at me: 185milessouth@gmail.com
Buy the Bayway EP: https://daze-style.com/collections/bayway
Buy Feel The Darkness: https://tkorecords.bigcartel.com/product/poison-idea-feel-the-darkness-2xlp-2024-version
Bayway photo used for episode art: Kevin O'Bryant (@kevoscope)
Intro track: Poison Idea
Outro track: Gastunk